Syria news/Current

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28 May. Jeffrey Sachs: in 2012, an agreement was reached between the Syrian government and the insurgents to end the conflict, but the US opposed.

25 May. Syria's first lady Asma al-Assad publishes a short video announcing, after having survived a different form of cancer in recent years, that she was diagnosed with leukemia.

10 May. US rep at the UN explanation on the Palestinian UN membership vote (UNGA resolution passed 143-9)

24 Apr. MxM: "Mass arrests made at NYU after hundreds arrested at Columbia over Palestinian protests". 'Berkeley warns anti-Israel protesters: 'We will take the steps necessary' to avoid disruptions'. CBS: CBS: "8 students, 1 employee arrested at U of M(ichigan) pro-Palestinian encampment, sparking more protests".

21 Apr. Assad interview - Russian TV1 program "Global Majority"

19 Apr. Israel stages a retaliatory strike on Iran. Iran says three quadrocopters were shot down and no damage was caused. Three booster sections of Israeli air-launched ballistic missiles are found in Iraq, over 100 km west of the Iranian border.

15 Apr. ''Saudi Arabia acknowledged that it had helped the newly forged regional military coalition — Israel, the United States, Jordan, the United Kingdom, and France — repel an Iranian attack against the Jewish state early Sunday morning, according to a story on KAN News. Reported the Jerusalem Post

14 Apr. According to reports, Iran's strike on Israel in retaliation for the attack on their consulate in Damascus consisted of a swarm of hundreds of drones that partly overwhelmed the Iron Dome air defense system, followed by a number of ballistic and cruise missiles that, according to Israel, did "minor damage" to some military installations inside the country. According to Iran, the two targets of the strike, the Israeli intelligence headquarters in Mount Hermon and the Nevatim military base were "successfully destroyed". (Unverified) videos suggest that some missiles were not intercepted. Videos (Cassad 1, 2, Iran Press 3, Middle East Eye 4) claimed to be "footage of attacks on the air base in Ramon" show some hits, with 7 hits claimed in the description.

Mount Hermon is a mountain in the Golan Heights that is partly occupied by Israel. Other parts of the mountain are controlled by Lebanon and Syria. Wikipedia mentions an Israeli observation post there, which is likely here on Google Maps. Ramon airbase is in the Negev south-east of the Gaza strip. Hence the claimed targets are around 400 km away from each other.

In his collection of reports, Larry Johnson lists four targets that were hit: Mount Hermon in the north, both Ramon and Nevatim airbases in the south, and the Airforce Intelligence HQ in central Tel Aviv.

JP: "Israeli retaliation against Iran stopped by Biden phone call - report"

13 Apr. Al Arabiya, via TASS: 'In the skies over Damascus there are Iranian drones flying towards Israel'; also ballistic missile launches have been reported . Earliest report seen on drones launched by Iran, 20:00 UTC.

The Coalition of Civil Society Organizations holds a forum in the city of Qamishli in Kurdish-dominated North-East Syria, to improve education process in the region, presenting research on agricultural, healthcare, and educational sectors.

7 Apr. IDF downgrades its military operation in Gaza 1, 2

1 Apr. Israel strikes the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing, among others, IRGC General Mohammad Reza Zahedi. The US loudly denies any involvement. Iran threatens retaliation.

14 Mar. Russian military police set up additional checkpoint in the Golan Heights area

12 Mar. North-South Transport Corridor will run from St. Petersburg to ports in southern Iran, and from there to Mumbai

7 Mar. Speculation mounts that Israel may be close to launching a large scale incursion into Lebanon to "push back Hezbollah". According to the report by the Hezbollah-linked Al-Akhbar, if a diplomatic agreement is not reached by mediators by March 15, Israel is prepared to escalate its military operations along the border into a full-scale war against Hezbollah. "Israeli official later denied the report to Hebrew-language media."

Netanyahu needs a 'come to Jesus' meeting with me, says Biden (video)

"The US, Iran, and Russia cooperate in a joint naval exercise in India" ( ? ).

19 Feb. Yemeni forces targeted and hit the Rubymar cargo ship, believing it to be British owned. The anti-ship missile attack caused catastrophic damage. The crew were able to abandon ship safely. British ownership was acknowledged by @Centcom

10 Feb. Reuters - Air defence systems operated by U.S.-led coalition troops based in eastern Syria halted six drone attacks targeting their base at the Conoco oil field on Saturday, a security source said.

IDF sources claim to have found secret Hamas underground data centre linked to UNRWA HQ in Gaza - evacuated by UN staff in October. The presentation of alleged connection to UNRWA appears weak under scrutiny.

7 Feb. US strike on Baghdad kills leader of Kataib Hezbollah. The group declared on Jan 30 that it would suspend attacks on US forces in the region following the drone attack on Tower22.

6 Feb. ASBMs were fired at two vessels off Yemen's Hodeidah, as AnsarAllah continued its military operations.

3 Feb. US & UK launched airstrikes against "houthi military targets". The following day Yahya Sare'e - Yemeni military spokesman - said 48 attacks in six provinces took place and that retaliation would follow.

28 Jan. Reports of 3 US soldiers killed and 34 injured after reported drone attack on US base, said to be Tower22 in NE Jordan, but believed by some to be the Al Tanf base on Syrian border.

Fighting between the IDF and Hezbollah in the border regions continued to intensify. As the US carried out further airstrikes on Yemen on Saturday, after the Ansarallah govt widened its targeting of shipping to include US and UK linked vessels.

21 Jan. Unclear number of US personnel reported as being assessed for 'traumatic brain injuries' after the Iraqi 'Islamic Resistance' group's missile attack on the Al Asad airbase in Iraq.

According to the WaPo: The Biden administration is crafting plans for a sustained military campaign targeting the Houthis in Yemen after 10 days of strikes failed to halt the group’s attacks on maritime commerce... Parliament in Sana'a issued a statement condemning the US redesignation of the 'Houthi's' as a terrorist group, saying that Israel, US and UK should be at the top of any global terrorism list.

20 Jan. 5 IRGC officers, including Syria intel chief, killed in Damascus strike blamed on Israel

14 Jan. Roundup of events in the region - from SouthFront via NiqNaq.

13 Jan. Biden: US delivered a private message to Iran following airstrikes on Houthi targets (1, 2).

Another strike on a Houthi's radar site. U.S. Central Command reported that the USS Carney, a destroyer, conducted the strike at 3:45 a.m. local time Saturday on a Houthi radar site using Tomahawk missiles. No further details were provided, although Associated Press journalists in Sanaa, Yemen's capital, heard one loud explosion... This was apparently a Radar site for Sana'a Intl Airport. Facilities at the airport had been hit by the Saudis in December 2021.

Media reports : Houthis naval base in Hodeida was hit from the air.

11 Jan. Western coalition strikes Houthi -controlled areas in Yemen, while Iran seizes oil tanker 'with links to US' in the Gulf of Oman.


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