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Welcome to A Closer Look On Syria

For a word on our approach and how you can contribute to the project, continue here. On the Main Page below are general news and some select incidents studied at ACLOS since its creation in 2012. For more current analysis, check "Recent changes" or "New Pages" in the menu to the left, or use the search box.

Syria News

28 May. Jeffrey Sachs: in 2012, an agreement was reached between the Syrian government and the insurgents to end the conflict, but the US opposed.

25 May. Syria's first lady Asma al-Assad publishes a short video announcing, after having survived a different form of cancer in recent years, that she was diagnosed with leukemia.

10 May. US rep at the UN explanation on the Palestinian UN membership vote (UNGA resolution passed 143-9)

24 Apr. MxM: "Mass arrests made at NYU after hundreds arrested at Columbia over Palestinian protests". 'Berkeley warns anti-Israel protesters: 'We will take the steps necessary' to avoid disruptions'. CBS: CBS: "8 students, 1 employee arrested at U of M(ichigan) pro-Palestinian encampment, sparking more protests".

21 Apr. Assad interview - Russian TV1 program "Global Majority"

19 Apr. Israel stages a retaliatory strike on Iran. Iran says three quadrocopters were shot down and no damage was caused. Three booster sections of Israeli air-launched ballistic missiles are found in Iraq, over 100 km west of the Iranian border.

15 Apr. ''Saudi Arabia acknowledged that it had helped the newly forged regional military coalition — Israel, the United States, Jordan, the United Kingdom, and France — repel an Iranian attack against the Jewish state early Sunday morning, according to a story on KAN News. Reported the Jerusalem Post

14 Apr. According to reports, Iran's strike on Israel in retaliation for the attack on their consulate in Damascus consisted of a swarm of hundreds of drones that partly overwhelmed the Iron Dome air defense system, followed by a number of ballistic and cruise missiles that, according to Israel, did "minor damage" to some military installations inside the country. According to Iran, the two targets of the strike, the Israeli intelligence headquarters in Mount Hermon and the Nevatim military base were "successfully destroyed". (Unverified) videos suggest that some missiles were not intercepted. Videos (Cassad 1, 2, Iran Press 3, Middle East Eye 4) claimed to be "footage of attacks on the air base in Ramon" show some hits, with 7 hits claimed in the description.

Mount Hermon is a mountain in the Golan Heights that is partly occupied by Israel. Other parts of the mountain are controlled by Lebanon and Syria. Wikipedia mentions an Israeli observation post there, which is likely here on Google Maps. Ramon airbase is in the Negev south-east of the Gaza strip. Hence the claimed targets are around 400 km away from each other.

In his collection of reports, Larry Johnson lists four targets that were hit: Mount Hermon in the north, both Ramon and Nevatim airbases in the south, and the Airforce Intelligence HQ in central Tel Aviv.

JP: "Israeli retaliation against Iran stopped by Biden phone call - report"

13 Apr. Al Arabiya, via TASS: 'In the skies over Damascus there are Iranian drones flying towards Israel'; also ballistic missile launches have been reported . Earliest report seen on drones launched by Iran, 20:00 UTC.

The Coalition of Civil Society Organizations holds a forum in the city of Qamishli in Kurdish-dominated North-East Syria, to improve education process in the region, presenting research on agricultural, healthcare, and educational sectors.

7 Apr. IDF downgrades its military operation in Gaza 1, 2

1 Apr. Israel strikes the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing, among others, IRGC General Mohammad Reza Zahedi. The US loudly denies any involvement. Iran threatens retaliation.

14 Mar. Russian military police set up additional checkpoint in the Golan Heights area

12 Mar. North-South Transport Corridor will run from St. Petersburg to ports in southern Iran, and from there to Mumbai

7 Mar. Speculation mounts that Israel may be close to launching a large scale incursion into Lebanon to "push back Hezbollah". According to the report by the Hezbollah-linked Al-Akhbar, if a diplomatic agreement is not reached by mediators by March 15, Israel is prepared to escalate its military operations along the border into a full-scale war against Hezbollah. "Israeli official later denied the report to Hebrew-language media."

Netanyahu needs a 'come to Jesus' meeting with me, says Biden (video)

"The US, Iran, and Russia cooperate in a joint naval exercise in India" ( ? ).

19 Feb. Yemeni forces targeted and hit the Rubymar cargo ship, believing it to be British owned. The anti-ship missile attack caused catastrophic damage. The crew were able to abandon ship safely. British ownership was acknowledged by @Centcom

10 Feb. Reuters - Air defence systems operated by U.S.-led coalition troops based in eastern Syria halted six drone attacks targeting their base at the Conoco oil field on Saturday, a security source said.

IDF sources claim to have found secret Hamas underground data centre linked to UNRWA HQ in Gaza - evacuated by UN staff in October. The presentation of alleged connection to UNRWA appears weak under scrutiny.

7 Feb. US strike on Baghdad kills leader of Kataib Hezbollah. The group declared on Jan 30 that it would suspend attacks on US forces in the region following the drone attack on Tower22.

6 Feb. ASBMs were fired at two vessels off Yemen's Hodeidah, as AnsarAllah continued its military operations.

3 Feb. US & UK launched airstrikes against "houthi military targets". The following day Yahya Sare'e - Yemeni military spokesman - said 48 attacks in six provinces took place and that retaliation would follow.

28 Jan. Reports of 3 US soldiers killed and 34 injured after reported drone attack on US base, said to be Tower22 in NE Jordan, but believed by some to be the Al Tanf base on Syrian border.

Fighting between the IDF and Hezbollah in the border regions continued to intensify. As the US carried out further airstrikes on Yemen on Saturday, after the Ansarallah govt widened its targeting of shipping to include US and UK linked vessels.

21 Jan. Unclear number of US personnel reported as being assessed for 'traumatic brain injuries' after the Iraqi 'Islamic Resistance' group's missile attack on the Al Asad airbase in Iraq.

According to the WaPo: The Biden administration is crafting plans for a sustained military campaign targeting the Houthis in Yemen after 10 days of strikes failed to halt the group’s attacks on maritime commerce... Parliament in Sana'a issued a statement condemning the US redesignation of the 'Houthi's' as a terrorist group, saying that Israel, US and UK should be at the top of any global terrorism list.

20 Jan. 5 IRGC officers, including Syria intel chief, killed in Damascus strike blamed on Israel

14 Jan. Roundup of events in the region - from SouthFront via NiqNaq.

13 Jan. Biden: US delivered a private message to Iran following airstrikes on Houthi targets (1, 2).

Another strike on a Houthi's radar site. U.S. Central Command reported that the USS Carney, a destroyer, conducted the strike at 3:45 a.m. local time Saturday on a Houthi radar site using Tomahawk missiles. No further details were provided, although Associated Press journalists in Sanaa, Yemen's capital, heard one loud explosion... This was apparently a Radar site for Sana'a Intl Airport. Facilities at the airport had been hit by the Saudis in December 2021.

Media reports : Houthis naval base in Hodeida was hit from the air.

11 Jan. Western coalition strikes Houthi -controlled areas in Yemen, while Iran seizes oil tanker 'with links to US' in the Gulf of Oman.


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Chemical Weapons (starting late 2012)

Main article: Category:Chemical Weapons
Chem 4-9 A.png

A running theme in Syria news is claims about the use of chemical weapons and the red lines they would cross, if confirmed. Our category on this topic covers most reported incidents, especially all high-profile ones like the one that almost started a world war. In 2013, the allegations mostly involved the use of the nerve agent sarin. Since Syria surrendered its stocks to avert war, the allegations from 2014 to present shifted to use of chlorine gas. In both phases, ACLOS has discovered many problems with the accusation of government CW use, as well as much evidence that opposition forces are the ones actually guilty for many incidents. This trend continued when in early April 2017 the topic hit big news again, just to return once more a full year later.

Aleppo Aid Convoy Attack (September 19, 2016)

Main article: Attack on Red Crescent convoy in Urm al-Kubra
OFAB-250 bomb in Urm al-Kubra warehouse.jpg

Around 20 or perhaps 30 civilians are killed in in an attack on an aid convoy near Aleppo, destroying more than a dozen trucks hauling medical aid. This is another disputed incident; the West and its sponsored activists alleges a Russian or Syrian air attack is to blame, while Russia and Syria don't seem to know exactly what happened. ACLOS investigates.

And not to be distracted: this came just two days after the US airstrike on SAA in Deir ez-Zor that killed at least 60 Syrian soldiers in a well-known position of theirs, in a rather implausible "accident."

Houla (May 25, 2012)

Main article: The Houla massacre
Ali-Al-Sayed 1.jpg

The initial ACLOS investigation. The murder of around 108 civilians, among them up to 49 children, in the town of Taldou belonging to Houla in Homs province, is maybe the most famous event that happened in Syria in 2012. It was immediately blamed on the government and led to several countries expelling their Syrian ambassadors. Initially attributed to the use of heavy weapons, it quickly turned out that most of the victims were killed by short-distance violence. This led to the blaming of Alawite "Shabiha" militias loyal to Assad. While the UNHRC closed their investigation in mid August stating to be reasonably certain that indeed government loyalists were the perpetrators, a lot of the conflicting evidence collected in our research was either washed away or not considered at all, while contradictions in the testimonies of witnesses backing their conclusion were denied. A central question is who was in control over the area at the time - our attempt to answer this based on all collected evidence can be found here.

Homs Massacres (2011-present)

Main article: Homs Massacres
Homs Districts all labels.png

Although relatively secure by now, the city districts and rural surroundings of Homs were home to some of the most shocking massacres of the Syrian war, especially in early 2012 when rebels had control over most of the city (that was following a short-lived Syrian military withdrawal brokered by the U.N. and Arab Laague). The ongoing ACLOS effort to list and analyze as many massacres as possible, so far includes more than 40, accounting for at least 1,400-1,900 deaths of almost strictly civilians victims. Alleged details are compared with common family names, district demographics, and the usual ACLOS techniques, to establish useable insights. Consider the Khalidiya Massacre of February, 2012, with 138 people killed, rebels said, as family homes were shelled. But the victims were 100% male and 94% adult, pre-segregated just like the prisoners of rebels the other side claimed the victims were. And this one's no fluke; strangely similar patterns repeat over and over in what makes for chilling reading.

FEATURE: Venezuela coup attempt 2019

Ukraine News

2 Jul. Victor Orban interview to Weltwoche, about his trip to Kiev, where he offered Zelensky to consider ceasefire before a peace agreement, as hundreds of soldiers are dying every day -- to a reluctant response (video, Eng.) . + Orban and Zelesnky press conference, in Ukr. or auto-translate, official video, 10:54 length. (Compare with: 1993: Rabin and Arafat shake hands at White House with President Clinton)

17 Jun Russia will sign "a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty" with North Korea, as part of the ongoing summit in North Korea. This appears to be one of the fall-outs of the Ukraine situation (NB, Ukraine signed multiple security treaties with individual NATO member countries).

16 Jun. Ukraine conference joint communiqué: full text - Reuters. (Oleg Tsarev: it's empty talk)

15 Jun. Sergei Tsekhov (chairman of the Crimean supreme council in 1994, presently RU MP and RU Fed Council international relations committee member): “This is not a conference to achieve peace in Ukraine. This conference is a trial on Russia, for this purpose it was assembled. It is clear that they are using this conference only to maintain their hegemony and influence in the world. They understand that they are losing it. This worries them much more than Ukraine itself. Moreover, they do not care at all about the lives of Ukrainian citizens."

Viktor Tsoi, "Kino", Donetsk, 1990; B52 bomber, "By Dawn's Early Light", Hollywood, 1990.

14 Jun. On the eve of the Ukrainian-led "peace conference" in Switzerland, not attended by Russia, Russia proposed to end the conflict, conditioned on complete withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from all the territory of the new regions (Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhie, Kherson regions), + Ukraine not joining NATO, + neutral status 1, 2. (Kiev's reaction, so far, rejecting proposal).

Details emerged of Naftali Bennett, Israeli PM at the time, trying to mediate in 2022, which could keep Ukrainian sovereignty over Zaporozhie and Kherson regions. It is said that his efforts were rejected by Ukraine

Video of battle for central Volchansk, Kharkov direction.

Video of a strike said to be hitting Ukrainian/NATO supplied M270 MLRS.

12 Jun. On Russia's independence day, US sanctions Moscow exchange, Ru national clearance house, and some banks, which so far collectively were leading in $ and Eu currency exchange and setting the exchange rate. That will mostly hurt normal people who travel or have family commitments across the new wall. It will speed up Russia's dedolarization and independence from the West. It will do next to nothing to "Putin's circle", and possibly strengthen them by creating more enrichment avenues. It will also likely come across as either dumb or evil.

11 Jun. The Biden administration lifted a decade old ban on providing military assistance to the Azov Brigade. Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson had hosted representatives of the extreme right grouping in Westminster three weeks earlier.

6 Jun. In further significant deterioration of international security, Russia finally responded to the West officially permitting Ukraine to strike targets in Russia by offering weapons and weapon development programs to actors opposing corresponding Western countries.

31 May. Ru-Ukr POW exchange, 75 for 75

More footage on forced mobilization in Ukraine 1, 2.

28 May. Jeffrey Sachs in his interview goes over the origins of the war in Ukraine, repeating points made here since 2014, with the added benefit of having direct knowledge through contacts with participants, and his elevated public standing.

22 May. Ukrainian attack damaged "Voronezh DM" long range radars in Armavir, part of the Russian early warning system guarding against missile attack, an important element of preventing nuclear war and maintaining strategic balance (satellite photos appear to support posted on social media photos).

20 May: "Kyiv" post: "One of the primary ideas that Russian intelligence is attempting to convey to Ukrainians is that Zelensky will lose his legitimacy as president at the conclusion of his five-year term, that is, after May 20, 2024" -as there were no new elections in this biggest democracy in Europe.

18 May. New tighter mobilization (military draft) law comes into force in Ukraine, where draft is already causing significant tensions. Lower draft age is lowered to 25, draft notes assumed delivered, penalties increased, fines raised 3+fold, more difficult to leave the country, employers tasked with draft responsibilities, MP's exempt, provisions for discharge after period of service removed, prisoners serving term can be drafted (1, 2). Ukrainian truckers staged a protest against mobilization on the Kyiv-Odessa highway-video. "Truck drivers can be mobilized at the border when leaving Ukraine. Most drivers are not exempt. Because of this, drivers have already begun to abandon their trucks and stay abroad".

16 May As Russian forces make advances north of Kharkov, Ukraine, in receipt of Western funding and weapons, launched sea + air drone, and missile attacks on targets in mainland Russia near-border regions and Crimea (some oil processing plant hits and civilian casualties are reported).

Tithe Church of the UOC was demolished by authorities in Kiev

15 May. As if to further underscore global failures of Western policies, a large Russian delegation, including government and local officials, departed for a summit in China. (+ Press conference includes answers on Ukraine).

Slovak PM Robert Fico, opposing Western policies towards Ukraine, is shot in an assassination attempt.

14 May. Blinken in Kiev: Ukrainians! Keep killing more Russians and dying yourselves! We are so proud of you! We will keep sending you more weapons! And make others too! Your bridge to NATO is well-lit! War is peace ! Slava Ukraine ! (Unclear how from the depths of clinical psychoanalysis Arestovich concluded that this means a worldwide push to the Koreas-like peace deal, being prevented by Zelensky)

10 May. US sends another $400 mln in weapons to Ukraine (White House; TASS).

Mishustin is reappointed as Russian PM, in an apparent anti-climax to power struggle rumors.

Update from the Kharkov direction -Cassad.

9 May. Celebrations of the WWII V-day, parades in Moscow, and elsewhere. Moscow: heavy hardware, aerial overfly included (perhaps shorter than pre-war). Groznyi, a row of US-made Hummers seen. Parade in Abkhazia. Parade in Syria, including Ru and Syrian troops.

PM Netanyahu "sent congratulations on Victory Day to the President of the Russian Federation."

6 May. "British ambassador to Moscow N. Casey was warned that the response to Ukrainian strikes using British weapons on Russian territory could be any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and beyond" (after British statement approving such use; and on the eve of the Ru president inauguration).

24 Apr. According to BBC journalist J. Beale, "latest batch of U.K. military aid to Ukraine will include Paveway IV bombs"

23 Apr. US Senate voted 79-18 to concur in the House war funding bill package (Vance among objectors). -CSPAN

22 Apr. TV tower in Kharkov is partially destroyed - video. (Reports on effects of this differ).

20 Apr. "House passes Ukraine aid bill", and a bill which will sell frozen Russian assets to generate revenue for Ukraine. Voting Democrats, all in favor, while more than half Republicans opposed, but it did not matter. US-border-bill-first did not happen. MTG's creative amendments all failed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ukrainian flags waved in large numbers on US House floor after the bill passage. Kremlin spokesman reaction. (+Various commenters, FWIW, Apr 20 is Hitler's birthday).

A pregnant woman is killed by Ukrainian shelling of Novaya Tavolzhanka village, Belgorod region, mainland Russia.

RU MoD: in the past day RU aircraft defenses shot down Ukrainian SU-25, 213 drones and 5 French-made AASM Hammer guided bombs.

19 Apr. Russian war correspondent Semyon Eremin, 42 was killed by Ukrainian drone strike on the border of DPR and Zaporozhskii region.

18 Apr. US HR Ukrainian war sustainment bill : AmericaLast foreign wars package.

Yulia Navalnaya on the cover of TIME magazine

17 Apr. TIME magazine names Yulia Navalnaya the new puppet president of Russia.

12 Apr, Donetsk. Russel Bentley ("Texas"), a US volunteer and journalist who moved to DPR in 2014, is missing, search and reward announced. His car, a Ru-made "Niva" SUV is missing too, last seen Apr. 8 parked in front of a food stall in Donetsk.

It is reported that Bentley "Texas" was killed (погиб). While appeal of his Russian wife suggests that he could have been arrested by Russian forces, apparently unaware of who he is and that he is well known and on their side, possibly after taking photographs at a site of Ukrainian strike in Donetsk. It is said 1, 2 that he drove off to see whether he can help the victims of a nearby shelling, after arriving with his wife at 15:30 at a regional gov office in Petrovsky region of Donetsk for a personal matter. He was not seen since, and a smashed phone was found in his car. No photos or videos were found on his phone SIM/memory cards after 16:15, April 8 (the day he disappeared)- Ru, Eng. Military investigative committee is involved in investigation. Noted, 5 brigade of 1 AC is former "Oplot" (Zakharchenko), presently part of RU armed forces.

Former SBU officer Prozorov, who defected to Russia before the start of SMO, survived an assassination attempt in Moscow. Explosion occurred under his car, soon after he started it. 1, 2

7 Apr. "The Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the dome of the 6th power unit of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. There were no critical injuries or casualties. There were no threats of violation of safety limits. The radiation background at the station and the surrounding area has not changed and is at a level corresponding to the normal operation of power units and does not exceed natural background values ", TASS.

22 Mar. Crocus City Hall terrorist attack in Moscow. At least 144 concert goers were killed, in addition 165 required hospitalization. US and the West blamed it on ISIS; ISIS is reported in the Western media as claiming responsibility. Video: "ISIS or Ukraine?" --"Of course, Ukraine" --Nikolai Patrushev (same short videoclip @ 1, 2, & elsewhere). Noted, 4 directly involved terrorists (all ethnic Tajiks) were caught on their escape route towards Ukraine (and, FWIW, they made statements to interrogators that those were their instructions).

12-15 Mar. Intense fighting near Russian border in Kharkov and Sumy areas continues for the 3 day, with significant Ukrainian forces trying to penetrate Russian border on the eve of elections in Russia, and apparently taking heavy losses. RU MoD [estimated] Ukrainian losses: 1500, including about 550 irrevocable

12 Mar. Gladkov, governor of Belgorod region, mainland Russia: In Belgorod, an enemy UAV crashed into the city administration building. There are two victims: one woman received shrapnel wounds, the second a concussion. The victims are provided with all necessary medical care. As a result of the explosion, windows in the building were broken and the façade was damaged. All emergency services are on site.

In Belgorod, near the railway station, a drone fell on the roof of a shopping center. There were no casualties. According to preliminary data, one car was damaged. The area is cordoned off. All operational services are working on site

Quoting RU MoD : Ukrainian attempt at 3 am to invade Russian border area of Belgorod region was repelled-videos, details Eng., Ru.

11 Mar. Preparations for Ukrainian raid in the Belgorod region discovered, Ukrainian detachment and heavy weapons destroyed (report , video, posted around 7 pm)

French involvement of 1918: Even the most seasoned skeptics believed everything, even that Ukraine would be declared one of the departments of France and President Poincaré himself would go to Kyiv to solemnly proclaim this... Rumors under Petlyura acquired the character of a spontaneous, almost cosmic phenomenon, similar to a pestilence. It was general hypnosis. (+more, Tsarev/Podoliaka)

10 Mar. Another Abrams tank destroyed near Berdychi

France finds Baltic allies in building an alliance of countries open to potentially sending Western troops to Ukraine

Pope urges to negotiate (video) (AI reaction)

9 Mar. In one of many similar Ukrainian draft videos, 34 Ukrainians trying to escape draft in a van are brutally arrested, beaten near Romanian border (with sound, Musk comment mentioned, 2, 3, 4). Also, 5, 6, 7

"Patriot" air defense launchers destroyed near Krasnoarmeysk (2 or 3 nearby launchers claimed in various reports)

8 Mar. Czechs raise money to buy in third countries 800 000 artillery shells for Ukraine (or maybe for the first installment of this)

7 Mar. Tucker Carlson, VD Hanson (Hoover inst) comments on the US State of the Union address, heavy on maintaining the war in Ukraine.

5 Mar. Russian patrol boat "Sergey Kotov" was attacked by multiple Ukrainian drones near Feodosia, and sunk after the battle. Sailors survived.

US-made HIMARS destroyed in the Donbass (video).

Victoria Nuland "retired"

Yelena Zelenskaya ("Olena Zelenska") "declines State of the Union invitation" in the USA, apparently because Yulia Navlnaya is also present (with a strange stock photo, WaPo).

Britain ‘prepared to loan Ukraine all frozen Russian central bank assets’

2 Mar. "Business Insider" on Israel supplying early warning system to Ukraine, and worsening relations between Israel and Russia, videos included. (Was Amir Weltmann asleep from 2014 to 2022?)

Another "Abrams" tank destroyed in the Donbass (photos), and its de-mining version is said to be destroyed.

28 Feb. Transnistria appealed to the Russian Federation Council and State Duma, international organizations, and UN with a request for protection from pressure from Moldova (text)

27 Feb. Shoigu: from the start of SMO, Ukrainian forces lost more than 444 thousand people, and since the beginning of 2024 they have been losing an average of over 800 people per day. (Zelensky: Ukrainian forces lost 31 thousand).

26 Feb. It is reported (with photovisuals) that Abrams tank was destroyed in the Donbass for the first time.

Also for the first time Ukrainian Swedish-made Archer self-propelled gun, "the most modern, rapid-firing and accurate" NATO gun, takes a Lancet direct hit.

Ukrainian NASAMS air defense system and S-300 radar are destroyed on the southern front

Hungarian Parliament approves Sweden joining NATO, further solidifying security fault lines.

25 Feb. NYT publishes The spy war: How the CIA secretly helps Ukraine fight Putin (Archive) - With details on CIA aid to the Ukrainian military since 2014. Including, a "network of spy bases constructed in the past eight years that includes 12 secret locations along the Russian border."

22 Feb. Tu-160M visuals in the news for the second day

21 Feb. Russian forces took control of Pobeda settlement --reports.

Governor of Transbaikal region, on the alleged Ukrainian (--US-supplied--) HIMARS strike on 36th Motorized Rifle Brigade (servicemen were allegedly standing in formation to meet a commander).

20 Feb. Tucker Carlson comments on requested by him interview with Boris Johnson (video, same video, full video, text), and how Ukrainian aid is a "shakedown."

19 Feb. Heavy fighting, reports of partial Russian forces advances in Rabotino and Pobeda.

Ru MoD briefing on chemical weapons violations includes mentions of "severe poisoning" on 5 Dec. 2023 of the head of LPR Leonid Pasechnik by "phenolic compounds" (not reported before), and of Vladimir Saldo, the head of Russian Kherson regional admin, on 9 Aug 2022 by ricin (mentioned in the news earlier). Also included are claims of Ukrainian forces usage of crowd control as well as banned CW on the battlefield.

"UK minister rules out swap for Briton Vladimir Kara-Murza jailed in Russia"

17 Feb. C.-in-C. Syrskii announced withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from Avdeevka. (Photos of Russian forces in central areas of Avdeevka appeared earlier).

"Video tour of the main Ukrainian underground fortress near Avdeevka" . (Heavily fortified).

16 Feb. Death of Alexei Navalny in a Russian penal colony is followed by a massive propaganda campaign and infowar operation in Western mainstream media.

Ukraine and Germany signed an agreement on “security guarantees.” Germany is to give Ukraine 7 bln euros in 2024 and to continue funding and political and legal backing of the war by supporting Ukraine for the foreseeable future.

"In the area of the village of Pobeda (south of Maryinka), another Leopard tank drove in the wrong direction, turning into a crater from a FAB bomb. The crew abandoned the tank and fled. It's promised to tell what happened next a little later. Handsome driver. Probably one of those who was caught on the street".

("A lion-hearted Ukrainian patriot is rushing to the front to give his life near Avdeevka, and some Ru saboteurs do not allow him to do this" (video)).

France, another co-sponsor of Minsk agreements, who, like Germany, failed to have Ukraine follow the agreements even on the most basic and important item of stopping shelling and killing civilians in the Donbass, is now to "allocate up to €3 billion in military aid " to Ukraine, with further support for 10 years, including on joining NATO.

15 Feb. 7 people are killed, including a year-old girl, 18 are injured in Ukrainian shelling of Belgorod, mainland Russia. It is said that RM 70 Vamprire MLRS was used, 14 rockets intercepted.

14 Feb. President Macron of France cancels his planned trip to Kiev because of "security reasons". Social media speculates it was because of a planned assassination plot by Ukrainian GUR.

Russian forces continue slow advance and gradually encircle Avdeevka, cutting some important supply roads. Heavily fortified Avdeevka has been used to shell Donetsk throughout the conflict.

Ukrainian sea drone hit Russian big landing ship Caesar Kunikov. Reports, based on Ukrainian videos, photos suggest that the ship may be lost. See also: 1, 2)

8 Feb. (Ukrainian commander-in-chief) Zaluzhnyi is out, Syrskii is in.

Feb 6. Carlson Tucker visits Moscow, to watch "Spartacus" ballet in Bolshoi Theater, and also aiming to interview the President of Russia (explaining why and how).

Feb 4. Ukrainian strike on a bakery in Lisichansk had at least 28 people killed (18 men, 9 women--one said to be pregnant , and 1 child). It became known later that one of those killed was LPR minister of emergency situations col. Poteleshchenko, who was at a birthday party for LPR MP Zhushma, held at a cafe by the bakery.

Feb 1. Orban caves in to EU pressure (which involved 20 billion of frozen money to Hungary) to have new 50 billion euros package over 5 years to Ukraine authorized. Slovakia caved in earlier.

Ukrainian military sinks a Russian missile boat "Ivanovets" in a headline grabbing drone boat swarm attack (with a video supplied). Some analysts consider such capability likely to come from NATO and its contractors e.g. L3 Harris. Russia did not acknowledge loss of the ship officially. But Russian social media posts suggest that the ship was indeed lost, while the crew apparently survived.

Jan 31. President Zelensky had apparently planned to remove his Commander of Armed forces General Zaluzhny. But he found himself unable to replace him in post, so far.

25 Jan. Strelkov was sentenced to 4 years of colony, general regime, on charges of "calls for extremist activity" (his defense will appeal).

24 Jan. Ukraine shot down Russian transport IL -76 plane carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners transported for prisoners exchange, 3 Russian guards, and 6 crew members. All on board were killed.

US Senate Foreign Relations Committee approves by 20-1 REPO Act to use confiscated Russian Central Bank assets for 'Ukraine assistance'. Despite campaigning by Bill Browder, the proposal has been criticized for being likely to undermine the US dollar.

21 Jan. At least 25 killed, 25 wounded, including 2 children in Ukrainian shelling of the area of "Mercury" market, Kirovsky district of Donetsk (photos, video from the scene).

Lavrov in NY for UNSC meeting, Ukraine and Middle East. Donetsk market attack said to be included.

Continuing Ukrainian attempts to attack regions in mainland Russia (Bryansk, Belgorod), and in Crimea.

Zelensky "I have not yet seen enough clear details to say that half a million must be mobilized" (as part of messaging promoting mobilization).

20 Jan. Fire at Novatek plant processing gas condensate for export in Ust'-Lug, Leningrad region, near Estonian border, attributed to a drone attack, with Ukrainian sources competing for responsibility.

12 Jan. American-Chilean journalist Gonzalo Lira died while in Ukrainian custody 1, 2

Golmovskii settlement, near Gorlovka. Ukrainian militants using a drone attacked an ambulance which was evacuating wounded by Ukrainian fire earlier power/utilities engineers. In total, 2 people were killed, including a medic, 4 were wounded.

UK-Ukraine security cooperation agreement is published (PDF). Some Ukrainian concerns over wording of UK commitments.

7 Jan. Former Ukrainian attorney general Lutsenko: Ukraine lost 500 thousand in killed and gravely wounded since the start of the war, 30 thousand lost every month.

RU MoD Shoigu: Ukraine lost 215 thousand in 2023

1 Jan. Ukraine shelled central Donetsk, including "Donbass Palace" 5 star hotel (1, 2), 4 killed and 12 wounded.


Note on sources. At present, pro -Ukrainian and pro-Russian sources more often than not offer opposing claims on events, and a choice needs to be made. Currently factual part of reporting by pro-Russian sources appear more accurate, complete, and closer to truth, out of the two available alternatives. It is also less known, as the other side has greater support by the Western mass media. For that reason, a lot of reporting here is based on Russian sources. It is not done for the sake of supporting any pre-determined narrative. If and when Ukrainian sources appear more accurate, they will be used without a reservation.

Some Ukrainian source reporting is very good, for example Tatyana Montyan numerous videos, some of them translated, are spot-on and at times appear closer to reality than any pro-this or that narratives. However the bulk of Ukrainian media is unreliable, and often just unbelievable, not passing cross checks (e.g. as was illustrated numerous times by well-read on both sides Ukrainian journalist Anatoly Sharii); or else, is filled with hate and may cheer more people harmed or killed (any of such sort, from any side, is totally unsupported here).


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Ukraine (2014 - Today)

ACLOS has covered events in Ukraine since the 2014 regime change and through the ensuing conflict. Three most important subjects among many considered:

  • Maidan snipers February, 2014 Analyzing the mysterious February, 2014 shootings that helped demonize Ukraine's government at just the right time.
  • Odessa Trade Union massacre May 2, 2014 Analyzing the killing of dozens of pro-federalism activists in Odessa, which the civilized world shrugged at and ignored. (based on numerous videos of the event, documented authorities response, and witness interviews; still mostly on talk pages).
  • MH17 (2014, July - Today)
Followed from the very beginning. However still remains mostly on talk page, sub-pages, and sub-page talk pages.

Kobane (2014, July, September - Summer 2015)

Main article: Assault on Kobane
Kobane water cannon.jpg

A very similar chain of events like years before in Ras Al-Ayn (see below), only this time it made the news (months after we started the article). Not least because this time, the attackers call themselves part of ISIS, the "newly arrived" enemy of all that's good and decent.

Ras Al-Ayn (November 8, 2012 - Summer 2013)

Main article: Assault on Ras Al-Ayn
Sere kaniye burial.jpg

Ras Al-Ayn, directly at the Turkish border in the north-east, early November 2012: The Kurdish dominated and mostly self-governed town gets assaulted by hundreds of Islamist fighters coming across the border from Turkey, under the eyes and with help of the Turkish military. After typical sectarian assaults on the civilian population, Kurdish militia takes up the fight against the foreigners. In the process of the following weeks, the town sees shelling by both the Syrian and the Turkish army, several defeats of the Islamists with retreat behind the Turkish border, and finally a fragile truce. On January 16, again large groups of foreign fighters with tanks cross the Turkish border and heavy clashes break out. After a month of heavy fighting, another peace agreement is signed on February 17. Five months later, following an Islamist attack on female Kurdish fighters, heavy clashes lead to the final conquer of the border station by the Kurds, which leads to increasing tensions in other parts of the region.

Tremseh (July 12, 2012)

Main article: Tremseh massacre
Confiscated tunisian passports.jpg

When news of this alleged massacre reached the media, it came with alarming numbers of up to 300 civilians murdered in the small village of Tremseh northwest of Hama. In the following hours and days, both pro- and anti-government sources helped to clear the picture of what is now mostly called the "Battle of Tremseh" between the army and anti-government fighters who had used the village as their base for operations in the region. The real death toll seems to be some civilians caught in the crossfire and a couple of dozen killed anti-government fighters. In addition, many including foreigners were arrested and their arms and equipment confiscated.

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